
Step into the world of...

" I'm AK Honest, a living testament to the power of transformation. Raised in Anchorage, Alaska, I emerged from a life as a former gang member who spent 7 years behind bars, becoming a single father and an entrepreneur with a mission. In the year 2020, a new chapter began as I delved into the world of cryptocurrency. The next 8 months would be a journey of discovery and change, as I spent 8 to 10 hours each day learning and absorbing.

The more I learned about crypto, the more captivated I became. It wasn't just about money – it was about empowerment and reshaping possibilities. Investing in cryptocurrencies became more than a financial endeavor; it was a means of creating a better future for my child and me. I made a bold decision, letting go of possessions that no longer aligned with my path. Flashy cars, including a Rolls-Royce, were traded for potential and opportunity.
